If you are looking for a great way to grow your own food and enjoy the outdoors, then running an allotment can be the perfect hobby for you. There is a range of vegetables that you can grow in your allotment, so it is important to consider what is best suited to your plot. Depending on the size of your allotment, you may have enough space to grow a variety of vegetables, but you will need to plan carefully in order to make the most of the space available.

Some popular vegetables to grow in an allotment include:

  • Potatoes are easy to grow and can take up quite a bit of space, so they are a great choice if you are limited for space. Make sure you check out which varieties are best suited to your area and give them plenty of room when planting.
  • Tomatoes can be grown in both containers and in the ground. If you are growing them in the ground, make sure to provide adequate drainage and stake or cage them as they grow taller.
  • Peppers can be easily grown in allotments and do not require too much space. You can grow a wide range of peppers, from sweet bell peppers to spicy jalapenos.
  • Carrots love sunny spots in the garden and need well-drained soil for optimum growth. They can be easily grown in containers or directly in the ground, but if you choose to grow them in the ground, make sure you keep the soil consistently moist.
  • Onions can be started from seed or sets, and they require a sunny position and well-drained soil. Planting onions near other vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, or peppers can help deter pests.
  • Beans are easy to grow in allotments and are also great companions for other vegetables such as potatoes or tomatoes. They do require some support such as poles or trellises for them to climb.

When choosing what to grow on your allotment, it is important to consider how much space you have available and what will work best for your plot. Make sure you pick vegetables that you know you will enjoy eating, as this will make the whole experience much more enjoyable!
