Membership of TFAA is open to all those who agree with the objects of the association and live within the area of Greater Morpeth as stated in the Town Council lease agreement.

All those who work on the site must be members of the Association and pay the annual membership fee as determined by the association which:

  • pays the yearly rent to the town council,
  • covers the cost of the allotment membership of the National Society of Allotment holders and Leisure Gardeners(NSALG). provides indemnity insurance for the  association.
  • helps to afford tools for member use
  • allows for maintenance of the allotment field and committee administration of this self-managing site.

The King’s seed catalogue is available to members in the autumn from NSALG.

A waiting list for plots is in operation and potential new members will be placed upon the list in order of date of application. The list is available for inspection from the secretary. As vacant plots arise applicants will be contacted and offered the available plot. If it is not suitable for the applicant’s needs they will remain in the same position on the list until an appropriate plot for their needs is available.

Two Gardeners may be named as members of the association for each plot.

    Allotment application form

    Allotment prices

    By clicking the submit button you agree to Tommy's Field Allotments Association storing your details for the purpose of dealing with your enquiry.


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