What events and activities do you want? Your committee is keen to hear from  you.

We have a number of ideas:


For example we have been invited to visit Red House Farm allotments during the summer. Who would like to go, it should be very interesting?
We could go on other trips to gardens, allotments, garden centres or whatever you like?


Would you like to have competitions?
Perhaps for the best kept allotment, or the best vegetables, or perhaps the silliest vegetable, or we could involve the children and have a miniature allotment competition.

Social Events

We could have a couple of social events a year. Perhaps a bring and share supper, in the autumn we could all bring something made with produce from our allotment.
We could have a BBQ or a picnic.
We could have a pub quiz night with a supper and a quiz relating to allotments.


Would you like us to arrange talks or demonstrations from experts about vegetable growing, or new technology or other related topics?

Please let us know what you think by contacting us.